BRICS Бизнес клуб Россия
BRICS Business Club Russia
BRICS Business Club Rusia
BRICS Business Club Russland
ब्रिक्स बिजनेस क्लब रूस
نادي رجال الأعمال بريكس روسيا

On the eve of the BRICS 2025 summit in Brazil BRICS Center led by the President
Vicente Barrientos will organize business missions to Latin American countries in July-August 2025.

Goals and objectives of the business mission:

Export and import
Support for export and import between Russia and Latin American countries.
Developing interaction strategies
with federal and regional authorities, business associations.
Business events
Preparation and organization of business meetings, negotiations with potential partners, presentation of products or services, presentation of business projects.
Organization of personal meetings
with representatives of federal and regional authorities, business associations and the expert community.

Principles of cooperation:

  1. Why business mission is necessary?

Business missions help a business find new clients and partners, determine the level of interest in cooperation and receive feedback from potential foreign partners.

2. Assistance
BRICS Center

  • selection of foreign companies from among potential buyers of goods and services of business entities;
  • organization of bilateral meetings with foreign companies;
  • accompaniment of business mission participants;

3. Assistance
BRICS Center

  • searching for international partners for the implementation of projects;
  • hotel reservations, transfer to the host country;
  • provision of translation services;

4. Assistance
BRICS Center

  • сSupporting negotiations with official representatives of public and private organizations of the BRICS+ countries and Latin America;
  • support of negotiations with representatives of Latin America in Moscow;

5. Cooperation

  • Services are provided subject to the conclusion of an agreement with each company.
Conditions for participation in a business mission:
Formal request for participation.
  • Fill in as much detail as possible request. Next, an online or offline meeting is held.
Fill out the application
Conclusion of a contract
  • Signing a contract with the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Center for International Cooperation “Progress”.
  • Services are provided subject to the conclusion of an agreement with each participant in the business mission.
  • Obtaining necessary information and preparing implementation plans.
Payment of necessary expenses.
  • Expenses for organizing and conducting meetings and negotiations with potential foreign partners.
  • Presentations of products or services.
  • Preparation and distribution of information products.
  • Involvement of translators.
  • Payment for the work of BRICS Center.
  • Other expenses.
Application for participation in a business mission to Latin America.
please fill in the all fields
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